What is an internship?

实习是一个获得大学学分的机会,同时也能获得有价值的东西, hands-on work experience. 一个学期可以获得1到12个实习学分, and a total of 18 can be applied toward a degree at CSC. 实习几乎可以在任何学术部门进行,并且可以作为选修课和/或高年级学分. Graduate internship credits are available in a few departments. 实习学分与其他课程学分的费用相同,将显示在你的大学成绩单上.

Why should I consider an internship?

There are several reasons: By getting hands-on experience, you are better informed about careers, which can assist you in choosing an academic/degree program.

Having real work experience can help you in your job search. 实习生可以建立工作关系和推荐人,并且在毕业后作为求职者具有优势. CSC Graduates are surveyed the fall after graduation, 有工作的人中有61%也有过实习经历. 超过一半的毕业生认为,他们的实习经历对他们的就业状况有很大或相当大的影响.

How do I do an internship?

你必须能够为你追求的每一个学分工作50个小时. “Assignments” include; setting goals or Learning Outcomes, keeping a Weekly Activity Journal, responding to Reflective Questions, and compiling a Final Portfolio –which includes a reflective paper. 你的实习将由分配到你所在学校的学院协调员评分, 但是你们所有的作业都要提交给职业和学术规划服务中心.



表格可向图书馆职业及学术规划处索取, or you may access and download the forms yourself.

Undergraduate Students

Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Majors Also Need

Graduate Students

Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Majors Also Need

Faculty Information

WHAT is an internship?

这是您的学生和/或顾问将课堂知识应用于实际工作环境并获得学位学分的机会. 学生可以在任何部门注册,该部门的方向取决于学生需要的学分类型和/或学生正在做的工作类型. 

WHO can do an internship?

对实习感兴趣的学生应该联系职业和学术规划服务部门,开始初步的文书工作, preferably one semester prior to doing the internship. 学生必须完成30个小时的学分,保持至少2.GPA为0,并通过实习生签署的表格获得学术顾问的批准 & Career Services Office.

HOW does a student find a site?

鼓励学生在访问职业和学术规划服务人员之前考虑他们想在哪里实习. Although sites are advertised on our web page, 我们很高兴与学生一起开发适合他们或与他们的兴趣和/或课程相关的网站. 我们也鼓励学术顾问建议潜在的实习地点 & 就业服务人员将乐意协助学生追求.

*实习学分可以在学生工作的地方获得,只有当他们能够证明新的学习超出他们目前的工作描述. Chadron州立大学的员工可能无法在工作中获得实习学分. 学生将不被允许在教师手下实习(在这种情况下,独立学习是更合适的课程)。.

HOW does a student earn credit?

To earn academic credit, a student must demonstrate new learning. 这是通过建立学习成果来实现的——每尝试一个学分就有一个成果. Learning outcomes are approved and monitored by Internship & Career Services personnel and Internship Site Supervisors, with frequent input from Academic Advisors. Additionally, a student must work 50 hours for every credit hour attempted, which is documented on a signed weekly journal.

Upon completion of the required work hours, 学生编写一份最终作品集,其中包括一篇反思性论文,并由学生就读的学术学校的教师协调员进行评估. 所述教员协调员将根据最终作品集的内容分配分数, written evaluation by the student's site supervisor, 以及从职业生涯和学术规划服务人员那里收到的任何意见.

Employer Information

查德龙州立学院加入了全国大约1200所大学和学院的行列,提供实习计划. 统计数据显示,大约60%的实习学生在毕业后被实习导师提供了长期工作. Thus the internship opportunity constitutes an additional, important element in the students’ educational processes.


Eligibility for Internship

  • 学生在开始实习之前必须完成30个学分. (sophomore status)
  • 学生必须完成必要的申请程序,并获得其学术导师和实习批准 & Career Services office.

Employer Responsibilities

  • 学生被要求与他们的教师和实习主管合作撰写学习成果.
  • The internship supervisor is responsible for orientation, training, safety instructions, and an overview of the company’s policies and procedures.
  • The internship supervisor will be asked to sign the Internship & 实习开始前的就业服务培训协议.
  • 实习导师将被要求在提供的表格上完成一页关于学生表现的期中和期末评估. 此外,学生将要求导师在每周活动日志上签名.
  • Students may receive compensation for their work, and the amount is negotiated between the employer and student. Compensation is not a requirement of the Internship & Career Services office.

Employer Benefits

  • 实习生是培养积极性高的预备专业人才的绝佳来源.
  • 通过将消耗的基本任务分配给实习生,为长期工作人员产生专业释放时间.
  • 主管有一个观察期,没有长期雇佣承诺.
  • 主管们对公司的教育过程有了更深入的了解.
